Adeola Balogun is a Nigerian contemporary artist who explores his immediate environment for thematic references and materials. This writer met him at his recent exhibition "bubbles of emotions" and this interview occurred. Not enough for their greed. Mathew : What informed the theme of this exhibition? Were there things bubbling in your mind? Balogun: My name is Adeola Balogun, a visual artist. Whether you like it or not, there’s no way you can work in a vacuum as an artist. One way or the other the environment contributes significantly to what I do. We are emotional beings and the most important thing is to have your emotions under control. If you look at our environment socially, politically and economically there’s a lot going on and with these you hear all sort of lamentations from people; emotional outbursts. This is because of the fact that people are allowing their emotions to override their sense of judg...